That Season

During my first September in Northern California, I was informed that the turning of the seasons is “subtle” out here.  Coming from the land of Sugar Maple Trees, Apple Fiestas and picturesque Sunday drives through camera wearing crowds of leaf peepers, I couldn’t see where summer ended and autumn began at all.

But now on my 14th year on this land, I get it.  There’s the change in sunlight, the arrival of warmer days.  Traffic picks up at commute times and a handful of trees turn from green to shades of reddish brown.  There are tomatoes as colorful as Vermont trees…and everywhere.  But I can FEEL it even more than SEE it…it is harvest and new growth and preparing and remembering and pleasant surprise all in one.

When I came across this quote today, it seemed fitting to add to thoughts of changing seasons, in the gardens of the world and in the day to day of being merely human…

The flower knows how and when to bloom and so do you.


Writing Prompt:  It’s time to harvest the…

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