Between and Betwixt

It’s Halloween and sunny and 75 and totally a beautiful day here on my corner of the left coast.   A perfect day between summer cold and winter rains. The neighborhood jasmine blooms at night and I am transported to other realms of nostalgia.

Back east, from whence I came, October 31, 2011 is a snow day.  Kids home from school make snowscapes with jack-o-lanterns as grownups await the return of electricity and the clearing of tree branches.  In that distant land, trick or treating has been put on delay.  But here, we’re preparing to hand out KitKats and LemonHeads to vampires, zombies and princess fairies and who ever (what ever!) else knocks at the door.

Between trips to the candy bowl, we are awaiting the arrival of the earth’s 7 billionth resident, as a new niece prepares to enter the world.  We also mourn the losses of our loved ones so close and yet so far away.  The veil between the worlds is thin, indeed.  We live in between so much.

Today’s picture prepares the way for the art every day challenge and we imagine what is to come while remembering, too.

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